Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Books!

I took another trip to the library and picked up Relentless by Dean Koontz and Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (for a total of $2).

I'm so excited!

I've read The Lost Symbol and laughed at flack it got for being too actiony. Can't handle fast-paced reality? But I digress.

I've never gone by authors before because I used to read anything that looked good. But both these authors are ones I've heard of before.

After yesterday's post, I probably make it sound as if finding a good book for me would be a pain, but I'm really not that bad. All my books are in storage and I can't buy a ton in my current situation. I also can't stand reading a good book and knowing I'll return it to the library to never be seen again. (Though the only book I remember ever re-reading is The Scorpion King.) The particular library I go to puts the crappiest of the crappy books up front (they have a ton of Stephen King novels, but even the thrillers look boring), while one farther away has pretty decent books donated by the community.

Before Chapter 1 of The Reincarnationist, the last thing I read was the first half of Anna Karenina. I got sick of Levin's boring character. I liked him the most, but boy was he boring! Out of all the characters, he was the only one who got more than 2 or 3 chapters in a row. I actually stopped right when he got maybe 5 in a row. The part I enjoyed the most was when Kitty went abroad, but it seems a lot of people thought she was too perfect a character. Which was funny since she was comparing herself to an actually perfect character, making the point that she wasn't perfect.

Anyway, my reading streak has never been worse. I've only stopped in the middle of a book two times that I can recall--The Battle of Thermopylae (though I thought I remembered liking it) and Anna Karenina. And I threw Haruki Murakami against the wall when I had to read his work for class, but I finished it nonetheless. Everyone speaks so highly of him!

The last good read I had was The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas ages before my theses took over my life. Even that was a book I picked from the other library--the one that sells decent used books. For much cheaper, too. The irony. (I read Cousin Bette since then, but that's hardly worth mentioning. It was a good book, though.)


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