Saturday, June 20, 2015

All We Need is Food!

"We don't need weapons or defense systems--all we need is food!" the cook cried merrily as his dishes bubbled away on the stove.

A man stood by his side, peering into a pot. "Oh, that's a good point! If you can welcome your enemies in to a good meal, everything is at peace."

"No, no!" The cook hefted a lump of fufu. "Because you can just use food as your weapon!" The massive, steaming ball of fufu slipped from the cook's encouraging grasp and took the man to the floor.

Author's Note: I've never held fufu, so it could be completely light (particularly after being steamed, oops), but the image of it soaring through the air was a lovely image compared to chucking potatoes. I'm completely intrigued by it since I first saw it and always have an image of anything starchy being heavy at some point along its journey to the water.


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